Thursday, July 8, 2010

Clean up and Go Home

At the end of each work day, it is a clean up and then back aboard the bus for the 30 minute jolting ride down the hill - we swear that the holes and ruts get bigger by the day - and DON'T sit in the rear sit of the van - the bumps seem even greater.

(Left - the girls, in their uniforms clean up the kitchen pans)

(Right - one of the boys in front of the hand wash troughs - his red and white lanyard indicates that he is one of the student "officials")

(Left - the children are taught basic hygiene as part of their school activities - hand washing, the application of skin lotions, and brushing teeth are normal - at least here at the school)

(Right - after a day. Liz is ready for the trip back to the House)

(Left - Liz is anxious to get away, and gives Maz a helping push into the van - Liza from the Office watches)

(Right - the school is locked up for the night)

(Left - we head down the main street, back down to Cuzco)

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