Today we had a varied day, which started with the usual clean up of the elephant pens - more commonly known as poo shoveling. But we have a good group, and we have the mechanics

down to a fine art in the utensils needed in number of rakes, pitchforks and shovels. In this way we can efficiently collect all the different products that we have to collect! We hope the elephants appreciate their cleaner stalls -

but somehow I doubt it!!

(L - The large pens)
(R- Cleaning up at the clinic!! This place always seems to distract us - due to the sick patients - as we always seem to have time for a pat!!)

The afternoon was really special as we had a visit from Lek who talked to us about her work. Then in the afternoon at feeding time she came out to the family

pens, and sat with one of the babies as she was fed. She invited people to come inside and sit with her and have their photographs taken. Following are some shots of Lek and some of the volunteers - amongst the legs of the elep


(L - Mum, Baby and Lek)
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