Monday, August 20, 2012

Elephant Nature Park - Aug 14

At 8am we assemble for allocation of our morning duties
A group heading off to cut sugar cane
Day 2 -
Workers about to board their first class transport to the corn fields
Our VC, Jack, gives out safety instructions  about handling machettes 
 We have daily jobs to complete - these can be in the elephant kitchen preparing the food, or out in the elephant pens sweeping up the poooo, or out cutting sugar cane or corn, planting trees, painting walls, distributing elephant compost or even repairing something that has been leaned on!!

We cut into the corn

We cut corn

And more corn

We cut quite a bit
For corn cutting we are issued with machetes and instructions to cut just above ground level. Then we have to stack in piles, for the local people to come and tie with rope.
We have time for a drink - but not too long!!

Loading bundles
Then we have to carry the bundles back to the truck for loading.

The truck pile gets higher and higher. We were brought out to the field in the back of the truck - quite illegal in our countries, but fast and efficient here. With such a load, how were we to get home again????????

Climb aboard
That was a simple question to answer - we travel on top of the load!! Again quite illegal, and assuredly a bit uncomfortable with corn stalks sticking in various parts of the anatomy!!! But fully air conditioned!!
The view from the top

Very comfortable trip

The descent from the truck
The biggest problem was getting down at the end!!!! Sometimes there were cameras around - at the wrong moment!!!
Now time for a nap

1 comment:

Unknown said...

such memories Michael :) this was definitely a happy place :)