Thursday, May 27, 2010

Towrana Station

Towrana Station is one of the two station leases presently held by
Mungullah. It is some two hours east of Carnarvon.

(Left - the road out)

(Right - A sign post - but I'm not too sure just how helpful it would be!)

I understand that these various leases, along with a lot of others, came about when the indigenous people were moved off their lands and the country divide up into these leases, which were then available for intending farmers to lease.

(Left - approaching the old homestead)

I also understand that over time many of the leases have failed and the Government has had to resume a lot of them. I believe that Towrana was one that was taken back by the Government
and then passed over to an Aboriginal Community (Not Mungullah), who also couldn't make a go of it. It then fell into very bad decline.

Mungullah cannot afford to keep both leases and so is looking for someway to pass it over to someone else.

These are photos that I took on the day of the visit.

(Left and Right - parts of the original construction - using the local soil

(Left - the road away - moving on to Gilroy property)

(Below - I have attempted to give you some idea of the roads here - click on the arrow head)

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