(L & R - The Museum for the Australian Age of Dinosaurs is built on a mesa about 20 kms out of Winton. Access is by a good road

to the top, where the Museum is located and the view is superb)

(L b& R - Inside we have displays describing the area, and also we store all the bones already prepared and also store those still awaiting work


(L - The palaeontologists discuss some recent finds
(R - Part of the display includes reconstructi

ons of the animals found so far, and a reproduction of the appearance of one of the hind legs of Banjo, one of the dinosaurs discovered)

(L - More displays)

(R - A thigh bone of Matilda)

(L - A full reconstruction of the forelegs of Matilda)

(R - Plans are underway for the construction of Stage 2 of the Museum n- Dave Elliott explains it all)

(L - WE had a picnic lunch by a pool on the mesa)
(R - The outlook from the mesa)

(L & R - Our picnic site)
(Below - A whip snake searches for some food)
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