(R - Our dig site - still covered from the prior year's dig)
(R - Our supply cart, with extra supplies)
(R - We receive our instructions for the dig)
(R - We bring in the "big guns" for removal of heavy overburden)
(L - Our group digs, and digs, and digs!!!)
(R - More digging)
(L - For smaller, but still heavy duty digging, we have a small mobile digger, which is more gentle)
(R - The diggers spread out)
(L - Dig, dig and dig some more!!)
(L - The sunsets can be quite beautiful)
(L - We transferred to another site to carry out some black soil exploration, where the bones slowly rise to the surface with the passage of time. The bones c
(L - A lunch break in the tent)
(L - A digger gently works on a "possible" find)
(L - Work out here is hard on both man and dog!!)
(R - Our dig team poses for our group photo)

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