(Left - another group boards their boat for the trip down river back to Peurto Maldonada for their trip back to civilasation - note the gentle picking of the way over the mud)
(Right - our hotel name plate hanging outside the front entrace)
We seemed to do more on the first day, and on the second day in the afternoon, our venture to see the clay lick of the wild pigs was pretty well non-eventful, so this blog covers some general bits and the m
(Left - the gumboots lined up outside the front entrance for those tracks used early in the morning after all the evening precipitation - after all it IS a rainforest)
(Right - a stand outside is used to demonstrate opening of local brazil nuts - with a large machete, and also an even larger strong arm. Once opened the outer pod shows some 10 - 12 brazil nuts still encased in another very hard shell. These are cracked open with a special nut cracker. In the early morning a squirrel checks to see if there are any left over pieces of brazil nut for breakfast)
(Left - we make the usual hazardous crossing to the boat on the river)
(Right - we cruised along the river to our next feature point)
(Left - one of the fee animals that we saw was a Pacybara, a bit like a big wombat but with much stubbier nose. These are river bank creatures, who love the mud - it helps with insect control)
(Left - at the end of our short ride we alighted - again on the riverbank - VERY carefully)
(Right - and headed off into the jungle again)
(Left - Along the jungle track for about an hour)
(Right - this tree was covered with caterpillars, each of which can give a painful sting)
(Left - this tree is covered with very strong and sharp needles. Originally local natives would break off these needles, dip the points into the poison sack on the back of some of their local frogs, and use them for poison darts in blow guns)
(Right - our guide Paty demonstrates the use of the umbrella palm for inclement weather)
(Left - this cone is the home of the local cicada. It builds this mud cone for depositing its eggs. Inside there can be several layers as the cone is used again)
(Right - our intrepid explorer on the track)
(Right - we continued onward through the jungle)
(Left - it would be quite a battle without paths)
(Right - these palm leaves fall to the ground, and generally land this way up. Hence they can catch the moistu
(Left we finally reached our objective - a bird hide constructed overlooking the clay lick.)
(Right - at this strech of the river the banks co
(Left - unfortunately we didn't see too many birds - we heard a lot - but if the birds had come this is what they would have seen - me on the right)
(Right - after our non-bird spotting we walked back to the river bank, and waited patiently for our boat. Times in Peru are very slack - anything up to a half hour is "on time". So we amuised ourselves watching this group of butterflies on the river bank.)
(Left - finally our boat arrived to meet us - our guide Paty on the banks)
1 comment:
saludos desde Esquel, Patagonia Argentina.
Mauro Mateos
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