Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Talleries - Wool Balling

Talleries (pronounced Tay-yer-ries) meets three times a week. We attend on Monday and Thursday evenings from 4pm to 6pm, mainly to help with recording of stockandcorrect tagging of completed craft items. We normally finish well after 6pm, and then face the 35 min.bumpy ride back to our house.

(Left - the room is jammed with Mothers and children frantically rolling.)

Last week, Eres, the social worker coordinator changed the routine. We normally issue ballsofwalltothe Mothers touse toknit their chalinas, pulceras, gorros, etc. But we are getting low on wool, so a quantity of skeins have been bought and the Mothers need to roll them into balls. They didn't want to do this, so Eres set a competition - for every ball rolled the Mothers got a point.This point could give them an excused absence from Talleries attendance!!!

(Right - talk, look and roll!!)

So this generated a lot of activity, as I have tried to record in these shots.

(Left - roll on, roll on!!)

(Right - Mothers come complete with baby on back - they can still roll - Mother I mean!!)

(Right - some of the skeins waiting to be rolled)

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