(L - We talk to the elephants!!)
(R - the edge of the main deck where the elephants come to feed)
(L - we assemble for instructions)
(R - Our detail is to clean up the edge of the deck - which involves watering it down, sprinkling soap powder on the surface, and then a brisk broom followed by water to wash it all off again - this is where the elephants feed, and they are rather messy).
(L - The elbow grease and the soap powder goes in)
(R - With a water finish off)
(R - then they are chopped insto smaller pieces - although I am not quite sure why, as I have seen a number of elephants with whole pumpkins in their trunks and mouths)
(L - A load of watermelons - much smaller than ours - has also arrived, and they need to be washed and cleaned also)
(R - Each elephant - there are 36 at the moment - have their own basket of food)
(L - Next it is on to the banana sorting - to separate the ripe and yellow ones - these are sometimes given whole, or other times mashed up into balls an
(R - In the banana racks)
(L - Our group is then sent off to clean out the elephant water tanks they have for drinks during the night. Elephants sleep lying down, but normally only sleep for about 4 hours a night)
(L - This walk way runs out into the main area, and you can walk out here for a better view, whilst the elephants walk underneath)
(R - Part of the main building, which includes my room, amongst the trees, where I have a wonderful view out each morning)
(L - The elephant hospital where those with injuries are treated)
I am loving your photos, Michael. Heaps of work to do - big mouths to feed!
Wow! They are enormous footprints! 4 Bodalla think it would be great to bathe with the elephants.
What pretty elephants! I can see why you guys put so much effort into taking care of them. You all did a great job with the deck. That just goes to show just how important and efficient team effort really is!
-- Kylee Groves --
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