Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 7 - Elephant Park - Downwalk to Park

(L - Up at the lodge we arose about 6.30am, and of course were all looking our best!!!)

(R - Breakfast was quite simple - omelet and toast and tea - so that we could get away as quickly as possible as we needed to be back at the Park before lunch)

(L - A shot from the front door at the mist low down on the hill tops)

(R - Our lodge with the mosquito netting on the beds on the verandah)

The next films show the start of the trek down - I wasn't able to film much more as the elephants traveled so fast, and I was bringing up the rear, so didn't see them again until we got back to the Park


(R - Back at the Park we had a last picture of our Week's group)

(L - And our guides - ?, James, Tep and Chai

(R - That afternoon pendemonium reigned as the departing group loaded in their vehicles and headed back to Chiang Mai.

(L - The vans departed - end of Week 1)

1 comment:

Annie said...

Thanks for everything, Michael. It's been very nice to get to know you. We will follow your further endeavours closely.

Annie and Jennie