Today our group was allocated to the task of "cutting grass"!! The elephants are fed

at regular times of 11.30am and 4pm and then chained for the night. So they are left a quantity of grass to nibble through the night (as

they only sleep for about 4 hours each night). This was the grass we had to cut.
(L - we arrive and R we walk into the cutting area)
The grass we cut is called "elephant grass" (quite naturally) and we were issued with machetes to cut the stalks. The 36 elephants eat about 30

0 bundles a day, and our task was to cut about 100 bundles (about a very large armful)

(L & R - Cutting away - we needed to wear long sleeved shirts and trousers, as the grass has a sharp edge - and several people suffered cuts)
After cutting for a

bout an hour we had a break and then started collecting the bundles, which had been tied up by the paid employees (apparently when the volunteers did it in the past the ties didn't stay tied!!

(L - Stacking the bundles)
(R - carrying the bundles in)

(L - Victoria climbs to the top of the stack)

(R - We all join in for a group photo - see me on the extreme right - I did make it)

(L - With our cutting and stacking finished we pile in to the truck to go back home)

(R - Back at the Lodge there are a number of buildings that are set aside for the visitors who come and stay overnight)

(L - dinner is set up, and when the bell rings there is a rush - but always plenty of food)

(R - When ever you go past the main deck there is an elephant looking for any tid bits that are spare!!)

(L - How can you resist this look of "any spare bits of corn or water melon?"

(R - We had a visit and talk from Lek who was the founder of Elephant Nature Park, and who advocates that the elephants do NOT need to be brutally trained as is done in Thailand)

(L - After lunch we went on an elephant walk, where we could actually meet some of the elephants in the park. We took a handful of ban

anas each and headed off with our guide)
(R - Our presence has been detected, and probably also the prospect of a bit of a free extra feed!)

(L - Victoria feeds some bananas

(R - Now it is my turn!)

(L - These two elephants stay together - one was blinded by his owner because she refused to obey him - and she had just lost her baby calf!! Any wonders!! Now the sighted one helps the blind one)

(L - Volunteers feeding the second elephant)
(R - It is rainy season in Thailand and down it came - as we were out in the open area)

(L - On the way back we stopped off at the elephant hospital, where the sick elephants are cared for. The elephant here is being treated for some foot problems)

(R - Notice the rear far foot which has been covered with a cream for the infection. Outside of The Nature Park, the elephant would probably get no treatment and possibly die!!)
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