Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 4 - Elephant Park - Poo and Local School

(L - We report for duty again)

(R - Our assignment this morning is to clean up AFTER the elephants in their night stalls - in other words "elephant pooo"!!! We are allocated our pitchforks, shovels and rakes)

(L _ The elephants are penned and chained each evening in their stalls, which is where we clean up)

(R - We load it into the truck)

(L - We take to the compost heap, where we unload - after several trips we were told that we were finished, and should go back and have a shower!!)

(R - Later that morning we visited a local primary school

(L - the children had a variety of things for us to do or participate in - from teaching English, to making bracelets, etc. I participated in the Thai Foot Massage, for which I made a Baht 100 donation - about Aus$3

(R - That is my foot!!)

(L - A class room at the school)

(R - The children playing in the sports area

(L - The pre-school children are assembled for their lunch)

(R - Our visitors wait outside one of the school buildings

(L - Back at our place we have lunch on the deck)

(L - After lunch we report to the elephant kitchen for duties.)

(R - Our task is corn shucking - we have received 3 tons of corn which needs to be peeled - it is interesting to understand how long it takes to peel a corn cob, and exactly how long it takes to be swallowed!!)

Bananas, watermelons, and pumpkin are the main items stocked in the kitchen, and they arrive by the truckload, and have to be stored and regularly checked for ripening, etc.

(R - A load of bananas arrives and we are taken of corn duties to help unload)

(L - We form a chain gang and pass the bunches out)

(R - Our elephant kitchen, with shelves stacked)

(L - Our group carries the baskets of food over to the baby elephant stalls for the afternoon feeding)

(R - There is always an elephant looking to pick up some extra morsel)

(L - One of the injured elephants - see the rear right leg)

(R - Hanging out for a bite!!)

(Below - Enjoying myself in the river)


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