Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gilroyd Station

Gilroyd is the second lease held by the Community. The trip between the two properties as around 30 mins. Along the way we come across one of the big road construction vehicles.

(Left - move over!!)

(Right - plains studded with rocks - it is hard to imagine how anything could survive.

(Left - there is lots of dust around)

(Right - the entrance gate at Gilroyd Station)

(Left - the cars are parked and then a walk over to the homestead, which is certainly not of the old construction style of bricks, etc)

(Right - the clothes line - every day should be a drying day.

(Left - an enclosure between two parts of the station)

(Right - the main homestead - possibly a temporary building)

(Left - the main bedroom!!)

(Right - some of the outbuildings - consideration is being given to making these over to work camps who could visit the Station)

(Left - another of the trials of life out here - the occasional willy-willy stirring up the dust.)

(Right - more out buildings and the gum trees)

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