Saturday, July 17, 2010

Walking Home from School

Our school is aout a 30 minute bump up the gravel road from Cusco - and I do mean UP. The fit ones, or those training for the Inca or other trails, will make the walk up to the school.

(Left - underneath the washing is corn drying in the sun)

(Right - there always seems to be a wash day at Puma Marca - but they do make an effort to keep the clothes clean - I notice it at school)

However, considering my age and level of fitness I felt that a more practical attitude is to walk DOWN!! This I did several times on this trip. It takes around and hour and a half, and is quite a good opportunity to see the country side and also avoid the bumps.

(Left - one of the adobe brick houses and the view out over the valley)
(Right - all sorts of transport come over the main street - pedestrians, taxis and the occasional animal)

Here are some of the views, along with an occasional comment.

(Left - there is a lot of pedestrian traffic - not a lot of money for running round in cars)

(Right - we passed a lovely wheat field, and Liz wanted a photographic masterpiece - she is NOT bowing to me)

(Left - and here is the lovely wheat field)

(Right - the road back down to Cusco runs on one side of this deep valley

(Left - Liz and Maz give the thumbs up - we must be getting near the end of the walk)

(Right - a group of children sit beside the road with their pets around)

(Left - Liz wants a snap of the kids!)

(Right - Iwas intrigued with some of the trade shops in Cusco. They generally have all their equipment inside their shop, and all the stock out in the street. The doors of the shop are opened to allow access to the processing - as with this lumber shop)
(Left - and here is the inside of the timber workshop, with all its equipment)

(Right - and here is the final turn into Cusco streets - ane we are quite dusty!)

(Left - of all places to see this - in Cusco!! Anyway Maz had her eye on it, but couldn't work out how to buy it or even get it home!! It will probably still be there when I hope to go back again in 2012)

(Left - we arrive back at our house)

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