Wednesday, July 27, 2011

4 Bodalla - Jake

Hi Jake - "What is your favourite job at the Park?"

I am certain that my favourite job at the Park is working in the elephant kitchen, preparing the food for all the animals. It is fun and we quite often get wet - which we don't mind as the weather is so hot.

Trucks arrive with 3 tons of pumpkin or watermelon, which we have to pack on racks. Then we have to wash ALL the items as we don't know what chemicals have been sprayed on them. Then they are chopped up into smaller pieces. The picture at left is our wash trough with a day's pumpkins in it.

The elephants also love bananas and we have lots of bananas, which we have to keep sorting as some get ripe quicker than others - we just have to watch for the spiders and cockroaches. The elephants eat 200 kg of food each day

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